‘‘We inspire, challenge and care"
At Burnopfield Primary School, Wellbeing is truly at the forefront of everything we do. We believe that wellbeing is key for our children to lead a happy life in school and beyond. We strive to look after the wellbeing of our pupils and staff as well as parents/carers and our wider community. We recognise that many different factors can affect wellbeing and are committed to ensuring our staff are well informed and up to date with any new developments to deal with situations effectively, sensitively and successfully. For this reason, wellbeing forms part of all staff’s professional development.
We are committed to providing an environment where children and young people feel safe, valued and supported as well as being equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to look after their own mental health. We understand the link between mental health and physical health. We ensure our children have plenty of opportunities to be active throughout the school day; with their break and lunch times where children engage with our OPAL play, during our PE lessons, throughout active blasts and lessons as well as our after school offer,our sports events and teams. As staff we encourage this by actively talking about how we look after our own mental health.
In our school, we encourage children to talk and verbalise what they are feeling and become comfortable in doing this. We make sure our children can learn to communicate and socialise with each other effectively forming those positive relationships which are key to mental wellbeing. By using a whole school approach to Growth Mindset, we teach our children to build their resilience and that mistakes are there to be learnt from. We also want children to build up a knowledge of outside agencies and support networks so that they can seek further advice and support if needed.
At Burnopfield Primary School we are very lucky to have a range of resources, staff, interventions and support networks to look after our whole school community.
Access to a school counsellor. Children in year 5/6 can self refer with parental permission.
Designated wellbeing spaces in school such as our wellbeing walkway and quiet spaces which are open during break and lunchtimes.
Each classroom has a 'calm corner' for children who may need some quiet time.
We use the 'Zones of Regulation' to support children with their feelings and emotions and also to give them ways to self regulate.
Nurture groups.
Mindfulness sessions and wellbeing clubs.
A wonderful outdoor sensory garden.
A sensory room.
Regular assemblies with a focus on wellbeing and mental health.
Awareness days and weeks.
Weekly RSEH lessons which are carefully delivered and personalised to each class.
Three staff have received the mental health first aider training.
Wellbeing sections on our weekly newsletter which includes signposts to external agencies and further support.
Wellbeing team
At the heart of our wellbeing offer is our school wellbeing team. Whilst we recognise that looking after wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility, we have designated members of staff available to support children and staff and keep up to date with new training.
Our Mental Health First aiders are; Mrs Gray and Mr Gibson
Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs Ferris

School anxiety
We take into account all external factors which may affect children’s mental wellbeing and want to work with students, parents and carers to make sure that attendance and progress is not affected. For some children, we appreciate that coming to school may cause anxiety and dsitress. Our staff have been trained to help spot signs of school anxiey and are well trained in a range of ways to support children manage and cope with their anxiety.
Some things to look out for which may suggest your child is struggling with school anxiety are: problems sleeping, refusal to get up and engage with their usual morning routine, crying and ignoring instructions, becoming distant and quiet after school.
Please do not hesitate to speak to our staff if you feel like your child is displaying any examples of school anxiety and we will work together to put support mechanisms in place. You can find out more about school anxiety here.
Wellbeing award.
We are delighted to have received the Wellbeing Award for Schools which really highlighted how committed our staff and whole school community are to improving everyone's mental health. During the process our whole wellbeing provision was looked at and we were delighted with our excellent report.
‘In terms of wellbeing of the whole school community, leaders and staff at Burnopfield Primary School provide exemplary support. The school is very much at the heart of the community. Working with extremely motivated and committed staff, leaders provide wide-ranging support for all stakeholders.’
‘At all times staff address the needs of pupils and emphasise, as with safeguarding, that wellbeing is a focus for all.’
‘The school has a very well-developed pastoral provision which is effective in supporting pupils’ wellbeing. The school provides an extensive and effective range of ways by which pupils can both ask for and gain support.

Equality and Respect
All different, All equal campaign
Expect Respect campaign for all children
Rainbow Ambassadors
Mini Police
Equality Corner in school hall
Taught as part of RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) and RE lessons
Show racism the red card
British Values
Community links
Discussion and debate
Democracy and fair voting
Weekly ‘In the News’ sessions in all classes
School council
Behaviour policy
Pupil Voice
British Values underpins the whole curriculum
Emotional Well-Being and Pastoral Care
Well-being is one of our key curriculum drivers
The well-being walkway
Relax Kids
School Counsellor
Pastoral care (Pastoral lead)
Self-esteem and self-worth modelled by staff
Anti-bullying incentives
Regular praise and reward
Ethos of the school
Worry wallet/problem box
Mini police / Buddies
Online Safety
Digital Literacy in the curriculum
Digital Detectives
Parent workshops
RSE Curriculum
Culture of Safeguarding for staff and children
Anti-Bullying work
In the News sessions
Extra Curricular Activities
Full range of extra-curricular activities on offer(Music, Sports, Film, Choir, Lingotots, Photography, Mindful Running, Bookworms, Forest school, Digital Leaders etc)
Visits linked to Topic
Visitors into school linked to Topic
Residential visits
Performances (Christmas, End of Year)
Parent events
SMSC (Social, Moral, Cultural, Spiritual)
Includes all of the above and
Culture kids
Twitter (#smscburnopfield)
To view our Well Being Policy, visit our School Policies page.
To find out more about well being in our school, visit our Twitter page.
Pupil Voice
All children are surveyed regularly through questionnaires and interviews.
Every class has a pupil voice suggestion box.
There are a number of opportunities for children to be members of groups across school (School Council, Mini Police, SNAG group, Eco, Digital Detectives, Reading Champions)
Throughout the curriculum, children are given regular opportunities for debate and discussion
Pupil’s character
Culture of Growth Mindset – developing resilience, risk taking and problem solving
KS1 STAR award (stickability, think, attitude, resilience)
KS2 Bright Sparks awards
Adventure – a key curriculum driver
Aspiration – a key curriculum driver
VIPs and Little Stars
Physical Well-Being
Well-being is one of our key curriculum drivers
Daily Mile
Twice weekly PE lessons
Happy Feet walking challenge
Foundation of Light partnership
Dance coaches
Grass Roots gymnastics programme
Health and Fitness education
Cricket coaching
Health and Fitness weeks
Range of clubs and events
School cross country, cricket, football and netball teams
Healthy Relationships
Taught as part of RSE and RE lessons
School nurse visits
Restorative Justice approach to behaviour
Online safety
Mini Police
We offer children a rich and diverse curriculum
Six curriculum drivers (respect, growth mindset, well-being, inspiration, aspiration, well-being)
Tailored to the needs of our children
Linked to local people and the local area
Progressive and tailored to help children make connections
Career Pathways
Aspiration curriculum driver
Career pathways workshops
Inspirational people curriculum focus
Visits and visitors
In the News sessions